Sunday, December 1, 2013

Day of Reckoning

We had a wonderful Shabbat service yesterday. 
Of course, speaking of Joseph, an interesting illustration came forth.  It has to do with bowling, but let me first say this.

As I was ministering the Word, one powerful point rested in the fact that Joseph was in captivity for many years and, seemingly from one day to the next, went from the pit to the palace.  He had no idea the night before, when he lay his head to rest and that when he awoke the next day, it would be to a life of authority and privilege; the very inception of the dreams being fulfilled that he had oh so many years ago. 
His interpretation of Pharaoh’s dreams; however, lay within two periods of 7, equaling 14.  Isn’t it interesting that his very father labored for his mother for two periods of even 7 years, equaling 14. 

My summation (in reference to the illustration I spoke of earlier) lies deeply within the fact that we do not and sometimes cannot know when our day of reckoning has come. 
Back to bowling, if you are like myself, I don’t have a clue of how to calculate a bowling score.  I bowl and hope that my score is pretty large, anywhere around 300 would be great, because I know that 300 is the ultimate goal of bowling.   I think I’ve gotten around 75 (LOL).

Still, because of my ignorance, if I make a strike or a spare, my lack of understanding keeps from knowing truly where I stand in my score.  I simply don’t know where I am.  I know I’ve done something good.  I know I didn’t do anything wrong, but I don’t know how I’ve been scored.  It’s the same with Joseph.  Year after year, first serving his father, then his brothers selling him to captivity, then his struggles with Potifer’s wife, and lastly, to be thrown in prison.  He did nothing wrong and yet was punished.  He did not know the score until his day of reckoning had fully come. 
Isn’t it interesting that we, my brothers and sisters, are about to enter the year 2014.  I firmly believe that the years of not knowing the score, but pressing on and pressing in, are about to pay off.  So, be encouraged and know that our year of reckoning is upon us.  The score will be tallied and we shall be victorious.  From pit to prison to palace we shall prevail.

Your responses will be greatly appreciated to this blog.



  1. Thanks for the encouragement . . . knowing that the promises are real, and rehearsing "the dream" in the prison, is the hardest part of all. But we have this hope! We are not like those who live hopeless lives. Our futures are secure in His loving care.

    1. I love it- rehearse the faith! Let's keep the faith and press on towards the prize!
