Friday, June 5, 2015

A Step In The Right Direction

Shalom my brothers and sisters.  I am glad to be sharing with you once again.  I had an experience on Sunday morning that compelled me to write to you all.  As you all know, I have an apartment in Fort Mills, SC.  Mind you, I really didn’t know much about this area.  Apostle Bailey lives nearby and House of Israel, where I’m ministering, is not too far away as well.  That’s why I chose this area. 

There is a minister that some of you are familiar with who goes by the name of Mahesh Chavda.  Understand that I have desired to meet and even minister with this particular man of Yah for many years.  Well, while I was exploring the area when I first moved here, I happened to see a sign for a church, and passed by several times, before I realized the pastor’s name at the bottom of that sign was a man named Mahesh Chavda.  Can you imagine my astonishment to know that someone that I have respected for many years had his congregation literally a bike ride away from my apartment? 

I have endeavored to visit his congregation since I moved here and finally was able to do so this past Sunday.  What you must understand is the teachings that I have now been under since moving here have caused me to be very aware of what’s coming forth from the platform of any congregation and this experience was no different.  I began to hear things that I knew were somewhat erroneous, as well as things that I absolutely agree with.  To my chagrin, the mixture was very evident.  But, I must be completely transparent in what did take place. 

As I stood in the back, during the worship time, I noticed a woman walking around speaking to different people.  As she drew closer, I recognized it was the wife of Mahesh, Bonnie Chavda.  She finally approached me and the love of Yeshua simply flowed from her countenance.  As she introduced herself, we shared a couple of sentences.  Then, without warning, she placed her hands on the sides of my head and began to give a word of knowledge. 

The gist of her word for me was that there was a “yes” over my life, and that I was going in the right direction, even though there was some confusion.  She said that every direction begins with taking a step and that I had taken the right step in the right direction.  She said that my willingness to follow after the Spirit of God was the “yes” in my heart and life.  I was very encouraged by this. 

At the same time, I was somewhat perplexed as I left the building.  Knowing now what I have learned about Torah, and hearing some of the same rhetoric that I’ve heard for many years come from this man that I respect highly, I sat in my truck contemplating what had just transpired. 

I said to myself, “There have to be verses that would seem to contradict each other.  Paul, in Galatians, seems to berate the law.  Yet, I know there are other verses in which he seems to admonish us to follow the law.  But, where are those verses?”  It was at that moment that I looked over at my Bible, and I had placed the VIP card for being a visitor in the Bible.  Being curious, I opened it to where I just happened to place the VIP card.  Sure enough, it was in the place of 1 Timothy, chapter 1, and I was immediately drawn to verse numbers 7 and 8, "Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm.  But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully."  WOW!

Here I was just asking in my heart for a verse that would seem to contradict what we have always believed about Galatians, and the VIP card that was given to me was placed right in a verse that would seem to do just that.

Now, we can go on and read more verses in this passage and find some way to contradict the point I’m trying to make here.  But, that verse is absolutely clear.  Paul says the law is good, and then in Galatians, he says the law is a curse.  How can they both be right?  Obviously, we need understanding, and the place that YeHoVaH has brought me to is where I’m getting that understanding.  The law is absolutely good, and we all should desire to be teachers of the good law.  As Yeshua said, we should do and teach others to do the commands of the law.  Our lack of understanding of Galatians has curtailed our walk with YeHoVaH, and while I believe strongly that YeHoVaH has used us in spite of our lack of understanding, it is time for the truth to be known. 

I encourage all of you to take a hard look at Galatians along with me and Apostle Bailey as he has been teaching a verse-by-verse series on Galatians.  Suffice it to say, that the law mentioned there by Paul is not the law that is mentioned by Yeshua.  Paul, in my limited understanding, is speaking of the rabbinical laws, not the law of YeHoVaH, and so there is no contradiction.  The law is good and the rabbinical law is a curse.  Hallelujah!

I wish I could elaborate much more, but the fact is I am still learning these truths.  But, as I learn I will endeavor as always to bring you what I have discovered. 

Let us be good Bereans.  Just as Paul admonished his audience to do as the Bereans did, they searched not the New Testament, because there was no New Testament.  They searched the Torah to see if the things that Paul had said were true.  I admonish you as well to be a good Berean and search the Torah to prove the thing that Paul had said.  

I look forward to sharing with you again as we go deeper into His truth, and always in His love.  Amen! 

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